Kate Endle Illustration & Fine Art: The Early Years
People often ask me how long I've been an artist. I'm 47 years and old so my current answer is, "Around 46 years". And here's the proof! I was recently going through some old boxes and found an album of my early drawings that my mother had saved. I was really struck by how similar my toddler art was to the art that I've created as an adult! My mother worked in our local bookstore for over 32 years. She would often bring home books for me and my sister. Some of my favorites were the Ed Emberley drawing books, Eric Carle (The Very Hungry Caterpillar), and Dick Bruna (the Miffy books). You can really see the Dick Bruna influence when you compare the Native American drawing to the girl collage; same with the Ed Emberley influenced bug motif and my ladybug collage. Thanks to all you parents and caregivers that hold onto to your children's keepsakes. Much appreciated!